Tuesday, May 22, 2007

To run!

How do you run from yourself? Where do you hide even if you do?

Moments, where the tiny defects in the fabric of life, that you are hiding even from yourself, unravel and are in plain clear view for all to see. Moments where unwanted feeling and memories attack again and again. When the noise of your own thought, so alien, rushed into your brain unwanted thoughts. The insecurities. The unshakable feeling of being worthless. Moments. Where all you want to do is close your eyes tight, protecting yourself from... yourself, where your heart just gave in and refused to work anymore. Moments. Minutes. Infinity.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Bangalore uncharmed

Am upset.
I got up in the morning thinking of how indisciplined i was, and what i had to achieve today ( call kavi, watch who's the boss, find out when how i met your mother airs.) and important things like that. I made myself a good strong cup of coffee and sat down to read the paper. One of my favorite time of the day.
I read Times Of India and its nearly page 3 all over. I laughed at the picture of the huge burning man on the front page and then i turned over and my woe began. They are breaking down Lakeview , GK Vale and the shops in front of it.Rather they are breaking down the buildings and shifting the establishments elsewhere for two years to make way for a commercial complex ( another mall!!?? do we really need one more?). i detest this idea. Most of lakeview's charm came from the building it was in. It symbolized the lazy Bangalorean. it felt home. Yes i agree the buildings are old. But cant they just be renovated?
Bangalore, i believe has nothing much really to offer a tourist. except its charm. and it is fast losing that. MG road, one of the main tourist attractions wont be the same again. the boulevard's gone. and now these shops? Some day Bangalore will turn into a mechanized city. All concrete, steel and no feeling. These shops took you back in time, where life was simpler and pace slower, where Bangalore didn't really need to have good roads, because there wasn't any traffic anyway.
Ive lived in bangalore all my life, love every bit of it. But its like meeting a dear old friend after years and not recognizing them.i cant recognize Bangalore anymore .I cant do anything to stop these symbols of development and i will mourn deeply the gradual loss of Bangalorean charm. But i will remain loyal to the city. She is my after all my home.

Friday, May 18, 2007


2 exams.
lots of time waste.
cute boy across table.
creatinine experiment.
ice cream
NaOH with a twist of lime.
soda pop.
the day's done.
and i breath again.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Things the world doesn't know about me:
  1. I hate butterflies, birds, anything which flutters. yes, even eyelashes
  2. I liked, i did, the dissections, i particularly enjoyed pulling the frog's leg off its pelvic girdle. poor John! God bless his soul.
  3. I do like the colour pink. sacrilege i know. but...
  4. i can, water ski, while simultaneously playing on a piano, carried by friendly sea otters.
Spot the not!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Life's a load of crap. Too many things on my mind.Things at homes cooled down. But i love it anyway.
College ended. well except for exams. Chums. extra sensitivity and withdrawal symptoms. movies. masti magic. stupid stupid cricket match. which we won. Weeeee to quote sush. am bored. evidently.
Missed out on a movie today. Apparently good. Third movie i havent watched cause of home situation. There was about enough yelling to power nuclear fusion.
Things to do after 9th of June
  1. go buy me some nice books
  2. get a freaking haircut
  3. catch up. so difficult nowadays
  4. go out of town
  5. stop worrying about why others are worried about abhiash wedding
  6. sleep
  7. buy me new glasses
  8. pray more. for world peace maybe.
  9. stop yelling as much
  10. stop. being. anti. social.
  11. HARRY POTTER discussion sessions. i think harry'll die. i do not.
  12. . ah! eat. mangoes. to my hearts content
  13. stay over
  14. watch a play
Kavi says, its just in my head.I can and should handle things better and am behaving like am a suffering soul. well, Kavi. pffttttt. But i do agree. goodnight .